Candidate’s Plan to Provide Mentoring Instructions

Include the “Candidate’s Plan to Provide Mentoring” attachment only if required by the FOA, (e.g., K05 and K24).


Follow the page limits for the Candidate’s Plan to Provide Mentoring in the NIH Table of Page Limits unless otherwise specified in the FOA.

See NIH’s Format Attachments page.


The plan should provide information about both the candidate’s commitment to serve as a mentor to other investigators and the candidate’s previous mentoring activities. State the candidate’s proposed percent effort commitment to the mentoring plan, expressed in person months. For more information about calculating person months, see NIH’s Frequently Asked Questions on Person Months.


Describe proposed mentoring activities: Describe the setting for mentoring and provide information about the available pool of mentees with appropriate backgrounds and similar interests in science as the candidate. Include information sufficient for reviewers to evaluate the quality of the proposed mentoring experience, including the professional levels of mentees and the frequency and kinds of mentoring interactions between the candidate and mentees.

Describe the productivity of the mentoring relationship for the scientific development of the new scientists as judged by their publications and current research activities.

Describe past mentoring activities: Include sufficient information on the candidate’s past mentees so that reviewers can evaluate the quality of prior mentoring experiences. Include information such as the professional levels of mentees, and the frequency and kinds of mentoring interactions between the candidate and mentees.

Senior level (K05) candidates: Describe any financial and material support from your own funded research and research resources that will be available to your mentees.