R & U Series Checklists


All Administrative Components MUST be received by Grant Admin 4 weeks before deadline

R’s & U’s Administrative & Science Checklist

Follow links for additional instructions, examples, etc.


Project Summary/Abstract

(No more than 30 lines)

Describe concisely the research design and methods for achieving the stated goals. This section should be informative to other persons working in the same or related fields and insofar as possible understandable to a scientifically or technically literate reader. Avoid describing past accomplishments and the use of the first person. Finally, please make every effort to be succinct.


Project Narrative

(No more than 2 – 3 sentences)

What are the major goals for the project?

Describe the relevance of this research to public health. In this section, be succinct and use plain language that can be understood by a general, lay audience.


Facilities and Other Resources

Do NOT include Major Equipment

Download the Center’s Research Facilities and Resources document under “Helpful Grant Links” in the sidebar.



List all equipment that is available to your project. If you have a subcontract please add their equipment to yours.


Budget (check correct fringe & IDC rate)

Please use new 10-year template

Download the MGB Budget Template under the “Helpful Grant Links” in the sidebar.


Budget Justification

If there are activities outside of the United States, you must include a “foreign justification” attachment in Field 12. Other Attachments – (BudJust)

Should include:

  • Key Personnel: PI, Co-Investigator
  • Non-Key Personnel
  • Consultants/ Collaborators/ Mentors
  • Equipment, Travel, Supplies, Other Expenses and Publications


Senior/ Key Person Profile

Bio sketch required for all Key Personnel
No headers & footers; Publications only 4, only 5 pages limit

Download an example bio sketch under “Helpful Grant Links” in the sidebar.


Resource Sharing Plan

Check announcement if Required


Assignment Request Form

Check announcement if Required

Download the assignment request form.


Cover Letter

Check announcement if Required


Multiple PD/PI Leadership Plan

More than one PI Sample


Human Subject Study Record

Must complete Study Record if involved Human. Please request the Form from the Grant Administrator that is assisting with your proposal.

Download instructions.


Non-Clinical Trial

Complete and upload documents to sections 1,2 and 3


Clinical Trial

Must complete sections 1- 4


Vertebrate Animals

If applicable


Letters of Support

Check announcement if Required


Select Agent Research

Check announcement if Required


Consortium/Contractual Arrangements

If subcontract(s) are involved


Introduction to Application

Resubmission or Revision only – 1-page limit


Authentication of Key Biological and/or Chemical Resources

Required if key biological/chemical resources involved

Science Components MUST be received 8 Business Days from the Sponsor Due Date


Specific Aims

(1-page limit)


Research Strategy

R01=12 pages, R21= 6 pages


Bibliography & References Cited

(no page limit)

Provide a bibliography of any references cited in the Project Narrative. Each reference must include the names of all authors (in the same sequence in which they appear in the publication), the article and journal title, book title, volume number, page numbers, and year of publication. Include only bibliographic citations.

Applicants should be especially careful to follow scholarly practices in providing citations for source materials relied upon when preparing any section of the application.

List only publications pertinent to your research.


Other Attachments

Check announcement if Required


Renewal Applications

Only Due 5 business days prior to submission due date


Inclusion Enrollment Report

For renewal or revisions that involve clinical research


Progress Report

Include in Research Strategy under “Approach”